Welcome to WUSE Interpretation Team!
Interpretation Team (IT) is a collection of students who are interested in transcultural communication by using their language skills. At the same time, their language capacity and overall quality will be enhanced through a unique learning process.
In IT, you will have a completely different learning experience. It will be different than what it is in all classrooms that rely on lecturing, reading, and exams. It’s aservice learning experiencefor every team member.
Learning by producing, and producing by learning. Through training and learning experience in IT, it will make you a person with strong responsibility in things you do, and tactful skills in whatever Chinese or English you say. Do the right thing, and do it right. Say the right thing, and say it right.
Approach taken in IT:
-Guided learning by our experienced instruction team
-Live situations on and off campus
-Reviews of the services that you have rendered in all situations
Because students learn language best when lessons are presented in context and when activities are meaningful and experimental, most of the learning will be through an actual task. Tasks will include and involve with interpretation and translation. For example: We will have visitors from international partners. Our university will hold the international seminar once a year with officilas from decades of countries all over the world. Our team members will get trained preparing for undertaking interpretation and translation part in these tasks. After finishing a task, we will have a review on the task we have just finished. The review is an indispensable part of our learning process. We’ll take a systemetic approach to ananlyze what we can learn from it and how can we do better next time.
We’ll also take tasks from enterprises, government institutions, companies, individuals who need interpretation and translation service at a later time. This will greatly help us broaden our vision, and build up more capacity by immersing ourselves in real work situations. It’s also a way to enable these partners involved to know about you and add value to your resume. It also makes your university life more meaningful and worthwhile.
Emphasize the overall quality of team members.
- confidence
- manners desirable to all service partners
- sense of responsibility
- fluency in both Chinese and English
Services that have been rendered by Interpretation Team
1. 2009, “Seminar on Economic Globalization and Chinese Manufacturing”, jointly organized by Ministry of Commerce of China, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and the China-Europe vocational Training Center of WUSE
2. 2008, “Hubei International Women Mud Wrestling Competition”, organized by Hubei Economic TV Channel
3. 2008, “Introduction of WUSE Solar Energy Research Project”, organized by Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Department for a visit by participants from 15 developing countries.
4. 2008, “Campus Cultural Day ”, organized by Postgraduate Department of WUSE.
Members in WUSE IT 2008
| 年级
| 专业
| 所在院系
| 大三
| 电信工程
| 电信学院
| 大三
| 英语
| 外经贸学院
| 大三
| 会计学
| 经济管理学院
| 大三
| 环境工程
| 环境与城建学院
| 大二
| 英语
| 外经贸学院
| 大三
| 英语
| 外国语学院
| 大三
| 英语
| 外国语学院
| 大三
| 英语
| 外国语学院
| 研二
| 纺织材料与纺织品设计
| 纺织与材料学院
| 研二
| 美学
| 服装学院
| 大三
| 会计
| 经济管理学院
| 大三
| 广播电视新闻学
| 人文社科学院
| 大三
| 英语
| 外国语学院
| 大三
| 广电
| 人文社科学院
| 大三
| 英语
| 外国语学院
| 大三
| 英语
| 外国语学院
| 大三
| 英语
| 外国语学院
| 大三
| 英语
| 外国语学院
| 大三
| 英语
| 外国语学院
New members will be recruited in Mar. 2010.